I've been involved in rehearsals for that show I told you about last post - Much Ado About Nothing. It's been really fun! We had a 'final' dress rehearsal this past Monday and my folks and DS and her kids came to watch. It was oodles of fun and I really enjoy performing out in the open air. There's a different kind of energy there than when you're performing on a stage within four walls and a ceiling.
Due to the much rain, we had to move the first show indoors. I believe it went well, but we could have had more upbeat and engaging parts - some sections dragged a little in my opinion. I got several laughs, though, and many in places people haven't chuckled up to this point. Admittedly, one part where the audience began laughing wasn't planned to be funny (although it is rather a silly idea), so I had to put some humor into the situation for my character or I would have laughed myself out of character and ruined the pace of the show. As it was, I think I was pleased with it. That's the fun of live shows and live audiences; if you do your job as an actor, each night is a new and different show - always fresh and experienced for the first time.

Onto other parts of my life - In the weather and seasons segment, I believe the state of Utah skipped over Spring and plunged right into Summer for a week or two. It was quite a change my garden welcomed - I've been growing a square foot garden (not all the squares have plants in them) and my spinach and peas are LOVING it! Unfortunately, as you can see, the weeds have grown very fond of my yard; and the back yard is even worse. Papa has some enzyme spray that's supposed to reverse the growth and kill off all the weeds, so at some point he wants to come plaster my yard. Because it rained all last night, I decided to take to the front forty and pull some of the monster weeds that have domiciled there. With the wet ground, it's much easier to pull them out by the root. Once we get the weeds all but gone, I'll work at getting hydro-seed and then a lawn!

I've also been working on the dry river bed for my featured garden in the front yard, which doubles as my rain water chute. As you can see, it stretches to beneath Mister King (my sycamore tree) and when the rains come he is watered quite nicely. I think I've almost gotten the topography of the rive bed all worked out, so the water won't puddle by my house anymore, but drains nicely to the big tree. I'm happy with it. I'll be happier once the garden has beautiful plants, grasses and rocks throughout - Oh, and a path inhabited by stepping stones and ground cover, not noxious weeds. Someday. At least it's an ongoing project I can work on to keep busy both mentally and physically.
Work is going well, though terribly busy. It's approaching EOQ, when all of Sales are clamoring to close deals. My boss keeps telling me that it's job security. It's been interesting to be a part of a sales company where the legal department's job is two-fold: protect the company and facilitate sales. That's a difficult balance I've had to learn (and still am learning). I love my legal team, which makes working with them much more enjoyable than it would be otherwise. My DS works with me now, which has been loads of fun.
I suppose that about fills you in on the highlights of my life at this point. Until next time!
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