About seven weeks ago, Papa and I planted grass seed in my yard and it's really growing. The back is really luscious and I'm loving the green instead of the dirt all over.
Here's a picture of Coda playing fetch in the back yard, on the new lawn.

I was having lower back pain a few weeks ago and went to the chiropractor to get straightened out. When I was feeling on the up and up, it came time to mow the lawn for the first time. I was not about to let anyone else do it for me because that's a big milestone I really wanted to do myself. Well, I ended up tweaking my back even more and was flat in bed the rest of the week, minus food preparation and trips to the massage therapist to work his magic. I'm back to normal at this point, but more wary of what I do with my back. I can't afford to be laid up like that again, you know.
I've been working to eat better and actually make food for me to eat - I know, a novel idea. I kept hearing people say that they lost weight by cutting out carbs like breads and such. I almost resigned myself to never losing any weight or slimming down because I just love bread far too much to give it up. Today I went to the doctor for a wellness check up and she asked about my diet and exercise. I told her I was working on it because the biggest problem is that I just don't eat enough; and I could be a little more physically active as well.
She encouraged me to eat more fresh veggies and fruits and eat more frequently in smaller amounts, including protein snacks. She also told me (and I've never heard it put in such succinct terms before) that weight loss is more diet-related and body toning is more exercise-related. It wasn't new to me and makes complete sense, but I'd just never heard it put so simply before. I swung by the grocery store on the way home and bought some fresh vegetables and some fruit, then ate a spinach-tuna wrap with pickles and tomatoes and half a nectarine on the side. It was so easy and very yummy. Especially with my big ol' glass of milk to wash it down. I think I'm going to have chicken and broccoli rice for dinner. I guess I really can maintain a better diet without suffering much. Who'd have thought it?!
I've also decided to cut out online television during the week for me. I can spend my time doing much more productive things, like the following options: study, practicing piano and/or violin and/or guitar, sewing, cleaning house, playing with Coda, visiting neighbors, going on walks, going to institute, etc. There really are a ton of other things I want to do, but claim I have no time. I'm going to spend my time where it's most needed.

At regional conference this past weekend, I heard another phrase that simplified things and gave me increased hope. Sister Beck said that it's prioritization and persistence more than perfection that will bring success and qualify us for God's protection. I realized that all I need is to cut out the unnecessary from my life (of which there seems to be a lot) and prioritize the essential in order to get to a point where I can thrive in all aspects of my life. I can do that much. It's something I've been wanting to do for a while now, anyway. Let's hop to it, then!
1 comment:
Hey Mel! It was so fun to read your post! I miss you. So, that's super cool that you have your own house and your Coda is beautiful. Sorry about your back. I'm glad it's feeling better. Thanks for the reminders about persistence and prioritization! It was great to hear. Love ya!
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