Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Someone Else's Soap Box

I can't say I disagree with this author's qualms about overuse of quotation marks - including air quotes. I'm sure I'm guilty of it, and this article made me chuckle, because just last week, my good friend in Virginia caught herself overusing air quotes.

I admit that I sometimes even use an air apostrophe. I use it when saying things like, "Thank you. I 'preciate it." I usually pronounce the word as it should be said - "appreciate" - but I kind of make fun of all those Utah people that leave off the first syllable. The way they say it, it should have an apostrophe to make sure others know that certain letters have intentionally been omitted. It's just more fun to say it with an air apostrophe thrown in there at the same time.

Anyway, here's the link to the article that started all of this. I hope you enjoy it and maybe we can all use our quotations more wisely in the future!!


Jackie said...

The air quotes continue to mock me...

Sodapop :) said...

Hi Melanie! I just wanted to say hi. This is Suzie. Education is disgusting. In art today I learned that some old dead artist canned his "feces" and one just recently went for 35,000 to some museum. What do you think about that? I'm going to expres the sentiment that I feel when I hear that- "EEWWWW!!!" I brought it up during dinner and just as we were closing the conversation, I burst out in "What I bought on ebay" And you say you're a jukebox.