Hmmmm. Life is an interesting thing, you know. It keeps going regardless of what you want to happen. Take mine, currently, for example. I keep busy between full-time work, church responsibilities and The Promised Land. After that, there's really not much time left over. That's the problem. I'm a little too busy to keep it up for long. Oh, the musical has been - and is - fun; don't get me wrong. I just think I have over-filled my life at the moment.
I'm so busy going around doing good things that I sometimes find it difficult to fit in the essential ones. I'm glad the show is religious in nature because I also get some spiritual uplift from participating.
The most pressing and stressful element of my over business at the moment concerns my living situation. My current contract is up in August. I have been so busy with everything, I have barely had any time to look at any apartments for me to move to. The next obstacle is that if I actually can get a place to live in the next week or two, when am I going to have any time to pack my belongings and move there before my contract is up? My show runs past the time I have to be out of my current apartment. The only times I am unoccupied enough to get any of this done is Sunday (which I'd rather not move on a Sunday, if there's any other way to get it done), a few hours on a Saturday morning. . . and that's really it for the next month. How daunting a task it is to move right now. Sheesh!
I suppose I'll do what I can, because that's really all any of us can do, and go from there. I'm going to begin packing today, for starters. Hopefully that will make me a feel a little more. . . ready? Fat chance, but it's something, which is usually better than nothing. Well, I'd better hop to it! TTFN
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