Well, as you can see, Cepheus is still changing and metamorphosing. If you notice the difference in pattern on the bulbous end of him (the dark brown diamond-ish shape is gone), that's evidence that the little guy is alive and wiggling because he has actually rolled over! I kind of thought once the caterpillar was in its chrysalis, it was pretty stationary - I have witnessed that they're still squirmy, however not so mobile as they once were... or will be again soon. It's kind of fun.
I've noticed lately that we as people kind of have to go through our own sort of metamorphosis. Not that we chrysalize and emerge a physically different creature - usually. We sometimes go through an experience in our life that acts as sort of a chrysalis. We are enwrapped within a set of circumstances for a time and we move about for a while, being molded and shaped - from without and within - until one day, we emerge. We come through it as a transformed person. Perhaps it's our character that has changed, or our personality, or our habits.... anything really, and a combination of many things usually.
I don't quite know yet if I have just enclosed myself in a situational chrysalis or if I have just emerged, but I'm feeling changes. Not exceptionally distinct from before, but at the same time, there's something very different going on. Anyway, Cepheus may turn out to be a rather homely moth to many beholders, as do many of us, but I hope and I feel that the metamorphosis I'm going through at the moment gives new life to something beautiful inside of me. *sigh*
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