Friday, May 23, 2008

The Dawn of Jukebox

Well, it's been a while, but I thought I'd put on my Writer's Cramp again... I mean Carpal Tunnel Tunic. That's what we get when we type too much as opposed to writing too much. It's always something. I'm excited to start blogging. There's a lot that is simmering in my creative pituitary, and I'm ready to let it out. I'll do so in small-ish doses so as not to overwhelm the reader.

I've been busy as of late, but writing is a wonderful outlet for things that otherwise wouldn't come to light. Sometimes we learn things about ourselves through our writing that we wouldn't discover any other way. Sometimes we figure out something we know, but once it's in color contrast text (black and white, or whatever you will) you come to know what you know... and often what you don't.

Anyway, I'll be checkin' in on this puppy now and then; updating it; adding posts; maybe changing things around now and then. I tend to switch things up periodically. The only reason I haven't rearranged my room in the past several months is because the apartment contract I signed says I can't move any furniture around. Yeah, I think that's a little lame, but that's what you get when you're in student housing. I'm getting out in a couple of months, though, and I'm determined to do some rearranging on a more regular basis. That'll be great!

Well, my lunch break is over, so I'll have to come back to this later. Perhaps after I've had a little more time to ponder over the complexities of having a public posting ground for the material swirling around in this cranium my brain calls home.

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